Hear from our satisfied members:

Our kids have been taking Tae Kwan Do classes at Horizon ATA in Westlake for nearly four years. The instructors, Mr. Coley and Mr. Clemens, bring a youthful energy and passion to teaching kids martial arts. They take a professional approach to teaching and training while also making learning fun. The classes are generally taught in 30 minute blocks, so they have to be well organized while being fast paced – and they are. Both instructors do a good job of keeping the students’ attention and on task. Communication between instructors and parents/students is always clear and any questions or concerns are always addressed in a professional and respectful manner.
Safety is always a top priority. Before kids are given any training weapons, they are lectured on best practices – how to use the weapons, and how to treat them outside of class. It is made clear that the weapons are not toys and no horseplay of any kind is tolerated inside the dojo – they will “bench” any student who is caught mistreating the equipment. When our children enrolled in sparring classes, they were given demonstrations on how to properly wear all safety equipment – headgear, gloves, footgear, etc. No child can enter the sparring arena without wearing all equipment properly and if anything falls off during a match, action is immediately stopped.
I would recommend Horizon ATA classes in Westlake to any parent who is looking to find a quality activity for their child. Kids here learn self-discipline, gain confidence, get regular exercise and make some good friends along the way.

My son transferred to Horizon ATA as a black belt in October 2020 from another local ATA location. In the 2 years we have been at Horizon ATA, my son has found a renewed love for martial arts. My son was lacking some of the fundamentals when he transferred and they worked with him to improve those skills and teach him in a way he understood. My daughter then begged to join and has been there for 1.5 years. Mr. Clemens and Mr. Coley are fantastic instructors that encourage each student to be the best they can be. They encourage them to focus on improving one small aspect of their form each time they do it. They focus on the fundamentals and ensure that the students learn moves appropriately in a safe manner; all while making it fun and challenging. They meet each student where they need to both physically and emotionally. When a student had an injury and was limited in movements, they adapted the form and drills for them so they could still participate. It’s amazing to see them instruct the whole class and provide one on one support and instruction at the same time. As a parent, I never worry about the physical or mental safety of my kids. I am beyond impressed with the professional and safe environment they provide. From working with parents when there are scheduling conflicts to motivating and directing classes of energetic kids, they are extremely professional and calm. My kids have learned life lessons about respect, discipline, self awareness, honesty, and integrity. I’m so grateful we made the move to Horizon ATA! It’s a safe, fun, family based karate school.

I decided to take my first class at Horizon ATA after watching some of my niece and nephew’s classes, and seeing how well the instructors balanced fun, skill development, and most importantly, safety. I have an old hip injury that I use Tae Kwon Do to help keep limber and strong, and so any school without an emphasis on student well-being was out of the running immediately.
After taking classes for two years, I’ve certainly seen my skills, balance, and strength develop thanks to Horizon ATA, but what’s impressed me the most is how detail-oriented they are when it comes to student safety. Some examples:
⁃ They have their students punch and kick bags and pads exclusively, to avoid the injuries and joint-wear that comes from over-extension, which is common with punching or kicking the air.
⁃ On one of the first hot, muggy days of the year, they paced the class and added extra water breaks to make sure the students stayed well-hydrated and safely cool.
⁃ I have learned numerous new stretches and strengthening techniques from the instructors there, not just for my hip, but for improved flexibility and resilience everywhere.
While these details are exemplary, what sets the instructors at Horizon ATA apart is the respect they have for, and the self-respect they instill in, every one of their students. Never is anyone told to “suck it up” after an injury. Never is anyone encouraged to do something outside their comfort zone.
This extends to the way the students are asked to carry themselves outside of class as well. None of the self-defense lessons ever end with retaliation or escalation, but always “now you’re clear to get out of there.” In fact, the lesson most repeated in the kid’s classes is how to get out of a threatening grip, followed by yelling loudly to get the attention of other adults. The focus of any lesson isn’t how to kick ass, but how to keep yourself safe, both in class and out.

We switched our son to Horizon ATA almost a year ago, and we couldn’t be happier with our decision. Mr. Clemens and Mr. Coley welcomed him and made him feel part of the team immediately. They both asked him what his goals were and took the time to create a plan for him to accomplish them. They create a safe environment, knowing each students abilities and make adjustments to help everyone reach their full potential. Their commitment, dedication, and ongoing support has helped our son find his passion for taekwondo again. As a parent, there is nothing better than seeing your child love what they do and have instructors truly invested in them. Mr. Clemens and Mr. Coley not only teach discipline, honesty, respect, and integrity, but they model these behaviors in and out of the studio. We look forward to our sons future with Horizon ATA!

For two years I tried off and on for my daughter to try karate and her response was always, “No thank you.” Finally a friend referred us to Horizon ATA and 3.5 years later I have watched my daughter grow and mature not only in Taekwondo but in confidence and self-esteem. Mr. Clemens and Mr. Coley are great instructors and mentors. Ingraining their students with a black belt mentality, discipline, and integrity. They will work with students individually when they are struggling with a form or technique. They have created a laid back and comfortable atmosphere for their students (and parents). They offer a variety of classes for students who want to learn Taekwondo as a hobby, self-defense, and as a competitive sport. They are approachable and always willing and ready to answer questions from both students and parents.
I appreciate that Mr. Clemens and Mr. Coley have taken the time to see my daughters potential and push her outside her comfort zone. She frequently assists with the Tiger classes giving her an additional opportunity to demonstrate her knowledge and skills. I can’t wait to see her become a future leader at Horizon ATA.

My daughter has been a student at Horizon ATA for 3.5 years. In that time, she has grown in so many positive ways. 3.5 years ago she was a very shy child that had not yet developed her self confidence. Mr Clemens and Mr Coley have empowered her to set and enforce her personal boundaries and gain enough confidence to compete and find success in tournament competition. Their instruction always emphasizes safety, from appropriate ways to handle weapons to showing respect to each other, their instructors, and their families.
My daughter suffered an injury to her foot, and with permission from her doctor, was allowed to continue training with modifications after an initial healing period. Mr Clemens and Mr Coley welcomed her return and modified each drill and activity to accommodate her Injury. If there was something they weren’t able to modify in a safe enough way, she sat out for that particular drill. They never compromised her safety or pushed her beyond what she was capable of doing while injured. For the two months she required modifications she was always included and still felt like part of the Horizon ATA team.
Mr Clemens and Mr Coley’s Professionalism is unmatched. They treat each student with respect, recognizing their unique strengths and abilities. Not only are the instructors amazing athletes and Masters of their craft they are also amazing educators. Their enthusiasm is contagious and they meet each athlete at their individual level, challenging those that are ready and offering more support to those that need it. They work very well with athletes of all ages, and are very accommodating to the diverse learners at Horizon ATA.

My son joined Horizon ATA back in 2018. Since he enjoyed it so much and it was such a fun environment, my other son joined in 2019. Mr. Clemens and Mr. Coley are outstanding instructors and each class is taught professionally and the students have fun! Safety is a priority and even through the last couple of challenging years, classes were done safely and I never had to worry about anything. Horizon ATA not only has great instruction, but also provides fun activities outside of class like Ninja Nerf camp. Because of karate classes, my children show great discipline, kindness and respect. My sons know what they learn is only for class and have skills and knowledge about their forms and sparring. We have also had great success in several tournaments and I’m sure it’s due to the excellent teaching from both instructors. My boys have become true black belt leaders in class and we are so proud and thankful for everything from this school. Thanks, Horizon ATA!

It’s incredible to watch your toddler develop into a confident and disciplined child. My older son started his journey with Horizon ATA at age 3. He took a liking to forms and greatly admired the ability of his instructors. He enjoyed class. He enjoyed earning the stripes. I watched him develop self control, respect, impressive flexibility, and determination to succeed. The qualities gleaned from his training have helped him to focus in the classroom, stand up for himself, exhibit restraint and calm under pressure. He is now 8 years old, and as he continues his journey with Horizon ATA, I am grateful for the foundation that gave this once very shy kid the backbone to try new things. His little brother started his own journey with Horizon ATA this year. Thank you, Mr Clemens and Mr Coley for believing in our kids, and continuing to inspire them.